Tone Glow Presents "The End is Here"
A four-program final hurrah in light of Sweet Void Cinema's closing, featuring works by Vincent Grenier, J.J. Murphy, Stan Brakhage, and Patrick Bokanowski—all on 16mm.
Tone Glow is excited to announce “The End is Here,” a series of four programs in light of Sweet Void Cinema’s Closing. Sweet Void Cinema is a microcinema in Chicago’s Humboldt Park that has been the primary site of Tone Glow’s film screenings throughout 2024. The venue will shut down at the end of the month. These four programs will include a dozen 16mm films spread across three nights—December 27th to December 29th.
The first program, titled “Modulating the Sublime,” will take place on December 27th and include six films from the late Vincent Grenier, a former professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. These works will highlight the best of his early experiments shot on film. “Seeing the Light” will take place on December 28th and include two programs. The first will feature the late Malcolm Le Grice’s Berlin Horse (1970) and J.J. Murphy’s Print Generation (1974). The second will have two films from Stan Brakhage: The Shores of Pho: A Fable (1972) and The Text of Light (1974). On December 29th, we will show two films from Patrick Bokanowski: Déjeuner du matin (1974) and L’Ange (1982). All film prints were rented from Canyon Cinema and the The Film-Makers’ Cooperative. Special thanks to Josh Mabe for projecting. Each screening is $10 and ticket links can be found below. A series pass for all four screenings can be purchased for $35 here.
To provide context for Tone Glow and Sweet Void Cinema’s partnership: Back in March, Joshua Minsoo Kim attended a screening of 8mm films by Chicago filmmaker Shirley Erbacher (read about them here). Afterwards, he asked Sweet Void’s owner, Jack McCoy, if he could program 16mm films in their space. The first program, “Pop Music as Prismatic Utopia,” took place the following month. Sweet Void has since been instrumental in providing a space for Tone Glow to host avant-garde film screenings in Chicago on 16mm. We’re especially pleased with how its cozy interior (heightened by the Lynchian bathroom and alleyway right outside) provided a low-key, down-home atmosphere. It was the perfect location for the 51-film Brakhage retrospective and the many screenings that followed. Tone Glow wishes the best for everyone at Sweet Void and their future plans.
“Modulating the Sublime” at 7:00PM
While Revolved (1976, 9 mins, color, silent)
Interieur Interiors (To A-K) (1978, 15 mins, b&w, silent)
Closer Outside (1981, 9 mins, color, silent)
World in Focus (1976, 16 mins, color, silent)
Time's Wake (Once Removed) (1978, 12 mins, color, silent)
Tremors (1984, 13 mins, color, sound)
TRT = 74 mins
Purchase tickets for “Modulating the Sublime” here.
“Seeing the Light” Program 1 at 7:00PM
Berlin Horse (Malcolm Le Grice, 1970, color, sound, 7 mins)
Print Generation (J.J. Murphy, 1974, color, sound, 50 mins)
TRT = 57 mins
Purchase tickets for “Seeing the Light” Program 1 here.
“Seeing the Light” Program 2 at 8:30PM
The Shores of Phos: A Fable (Stan Brakhage, 1972, color, silent, 10 mins)
The Text of Light (Stan Brakhage, 1974, color, silent, 67 mins)
TRT = 77 mins
Purchase tickets for “Seeing the Light” Program 2 here.
"Impermanent Tableau" Program at 7:00PM
Déjeuner du matin (Patrick Bokanowski, 1974, color, sound, 12 mins)
L’Ange (Patrick Bokanowski, 1982, color, sound, 70 mins)
TRT = 82 mins
Purchase tickets for “Impermanent Tableau” here.